Shri Shivaji Preparatory Military Primary Day School
All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Shri Shivaji Preparatory Military Primary Day School an English Medium School which provides co-education from STD I to IV. It is situated on the spacious grounds near R.T.O at Kennedy Road, Pune – 1. It is recognized by the Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune.
Admissions Open: Academic year 2025-26
Parents Feedback
Blogs & Articles
- मुलांच्या जीवनात मैदानी खेळाचे महत्व (IMPORTANCE OF OUTDOOR GAMES FOR STUDENTS) प्रत्येक मुलांचा आवडता एक खेळ असतो. कोणाला घरात बसून खेळले जाणारे खेळ आवडतात तर कोणाला मैदानी खेळ आवडतात. कोणताही खेळ खेळताना आपले शरीर ,बुद्धी आणि मन एकाग्र होते आणि मुलांच्या सर्वांगीण विकासाला चालना मिळते. आज कालच्या 4G, 5G च्या दुनियेत इंटरनेटचे जाळे पसरले आहे, सर्व गोष्टी सहज उपलब्ध होतात मुलांच्या जीवनामध्ये जसे अभ्यासाला महत्त्व आहे तेवढेच शारीरिक व्यायाम व खेळ यांनाही महत्त्व आहे. आजची मुले मोबाईल मुळे मैदानी खेळ खेळायचे प्रमाण कमी झाले आहे. शिक्षणामुळे मुलांचा मानसिक विकास होतो पण मैदानी खेळांमुळे मुलांचा शारीरिक विकास होतो "स्वस्थ शरीरातच स्वस्थ मनाचा विकास होतो" जी मुले अभ्यासाबरोबर खेळातही भाग घेतात ती चपळ उत्साही असतात. खेळामुळे हाडे मजबूत व पचनशक्ती चांगली राहते त्यामुळे मुलांच्या जीवनात मैदानी खेळांना खूप महत्त्व आहे. आज शालेय पातळीपासून ते ऑलम्पिक स्तरापर्यंत खेळाच्या स्पर्धा होतात त्यातूनच भारताचे नाव उज्वल करणाऱ्या प्रभावी खेळाडूंचा शोध लागतो मैदानी खेळात खो-खो,कबड्डी ,फुटबॉल, व्हॉलीबॉल, बॅडमिंटन, हॉकी, टेबल टेनिस, बास्केटबॉल, तिरंदाजी इत्यादी खेळ खेळले जातात. मैदानी खेळ खेळल्यामुळे आपल्यातील चांगल्या गुणांची वाढ होते मैदानी खेळ आपल्यामध्ये नवीन गुण आत्मसात करण्यात मदत होते, जसे खेळाडूंच्या सहकार्यामुळे एकी समजते,बुद्धीला चालना मिळते खेळातील स्पर्धेमुळे विजय आणि पराजय हे गुण आत्मसात होतात, खेळाचे नेतृत्व करण्याचे कौशल्य वाढते, संकटाशी सामना करण्याचे धाडस निर्माण होते, एकाग्रता वाढते परिणामी अभ्यासही चांगला होतो. मुले जेव्हा मैदानी खेळ खेळतील तेव्हा घामाद्वारे अनावश्यक ग्रंथी शरीरातून बाहेर पडून शरीर नैसर्गिकरित्या शुद्ध होऊन श्वसन क्रिया वेगाने होऊन ऑक्सिजन जास्त प्रमाणात घेतला जातो आणि म्हणूनच मैदानी खेळांमुळे मुलांचा सर्वांगीण विकास होऊन मुलांचे कौशल्य वाढते तसेच मैदानी खेळांचा…
- Tips for parents to keep students engaged in summer vacations As summer approaches, the excitement among kids is palpable. It's a time for carefree days and endless possibilities. But as parents, we want to ensure that this fun-filled season also offers opportunities to their children for learning and growth. Following are few tips to keep the children engaged during summer vacation. Bookworms Paradise: Introduce your child to a world of imagination with books. Whether it is being cozy with a bedtime story or joining a local book club, reading can ignite a lifelong passion for learning. Encourage your child’s reading habit with library visits and joining book clubs. Active Adventures: Encourage outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, or biking. Not only are these physically beneficial, but they also foster a love for nature and exploration. Activities like gardening also help the children to get connected to the nature and learn the process of growth. Creative Expression: Let your child's imagination soar through art, music, or dance. These activities can boost creativity, problem-solving skills, and self-expression. These activities also help in developing the child’s fine as well as the gross motor skills. Culinary Explorers: Cooking and baking are fantastic ways to learn about nutrition, science, and math. Encourage your child to enjoy fireless cooking by involving them in simple kitchen chores like sandwich making, ‘bhel’ making, lime juice preparation, ‘chaat’ recipes and so on. It is a fun and practical skill that can last a lifetime, making your child independent. Educational Escapes:…
- Sports play a vital role in students’ lives. Sports and games are superstars in a student's life for a reason! They're not just fun and exciting, they're like secret weapons that help kids develop amazingly. Playing sports and games helps students improve their teamwork, physical fitness, and confidence. Picture a football game – the thrill of passing the ball, the synchronized moves towards the goal post. That's teamwork in action! Sports and games are like basic training for building cooperation and communication. You learn to listen to your teammates, strategize together, and celebrate victories as a single unit. Research has shown that games are essential for the healthy development of a child. It helps them to find solutions to problems. For example, indoor games like chess demand greater focus, while board games like Scrabble boost vocabulary. A game of Snakes and Ladders teaches valuable time management skills. These activities are like mental gyms, strengthening concentration, problem-solving abilities, and cognitive skills. Outdoor games are a recipe for the social skills development of a child. The fresh air and exercise are the natural stress-busters. They help the children to feel relaxed and make them ready to tackle anything. It helps the students to build up their personality and enhance their leadership qualities. A student must aim for at least an hour of outdoor play each day – it's like sunshine for the soul. It is also a great way to build the child’s gross motor skills. Sports can actually motivate kids to…
- मूल जन्माला येते तेव्हा त्याच्यावर सभोवतालच्या परिसराचा प्रभाव पडतो. आई-बाबा, आजी-आजोबा हा इतकाच त्याचा परिसर. मूल आपल्या कुटुंबातील लोकांचे निरीक्षण करत असते. जसे, की ते कसे बोलतात, कसे वागतात यावरूनच ते मूल बोलायला, वागायला शिकते. जसजसे मूल मोठे होत जाते ते त्याच्या आजूबाजूला वावरणाऱ्या इतर लोकांमध्ये, मित्रांमध्ये मिसळू लागते. यातूनच आपुलकी, जिव्हाळा, प्रेम या गोष्टी ते शिकत जाते. सोबतच इतरांना मदत करणे, मोठ्यांचा आदर करणे, छोट्यांना आधार देणे अशा बऱ्याच गोष्टीही ते शिकत असते. परिसर त्याच्या आयुष्यातील दुसरा महत्त्वाचा घटक म्हणून अनेक नवनव्या गोष्टींची भर घालत असतो. परिसरात वावरत असताना घरातील लोकांपेक्षा, त्याच्या आई-बाबांपेक्षा वेगळे वागणे, बोलणे मुलाच्या कानावर पडत असते. मग ते कधी चांगले तर कधी वाईट असते. या गोष्टींचा त्याच्या मनावर कसा परिणाम होतो, हे त्याच्यावर होत असलेल्या किंवा आई-बाबांकडून मिळणाऱ्या संस्कारांवर अवलंबून असते. यातूनच त्याची सामाजिक जडणघडणही व्हायला सुरुवात होते. मुलाचा सर्वांगीण विकास होण्यासाठी त्याच्या जीवनात शाळा अत्यंत प्रभावशाली ठरते. शाळेमध्ये साजरे होणारे विविध दिन जसे, की स्वातंत्र्य दिन, प्रजासत्ताक दिन, महात्मा गांधी जयंती हे राष्ट्रीय सण साजरे केल्यामुळे त्याच्या मनामध्ये देशप्रेमाची भावना निर्माण होण्यास मदत होते. शिवजयंती उत्सव साजरी केल्यामुळे छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांचे आचार, विचार त्याच्या मनात प्रेरणा निर्माण करतात. तसेच वाचन प्रेरणा दिवस, शिक्षक दिन यामुळे साहजिकच मुलाला वाचनाची, अभ्यासाची गोडी लागते आणि शिक्षकांबद्दलची ओढही निर्माण होते. एखादे ध्येय ठरवून ध्येयापर्यंत पोहोचण्याचा मार्ग मिळावा, यासाठी या गोष्टी मुलांच्या जीवनात खूप महत्त्वाच्या भूमिका बजावतात. शाळेमधूनच मुलांच्या शैक्षणिक सहलींचे आयोजन केले जाते. यामध्ये गड किल्ल्यांना भेटी दिल्या जातात. या भेटींमधून ऐतिहासिक गोष्टींची माहिती मिळते तसेच निसर्गदर्शन घडते आणि त्यांच्या मनात निसर्गाबद्दलचे प्रेम वाढीस लागून त्याचे महत्त्व समजते.…
- When someone talks about discipline the immediate thought that runs across a brain is military. Immediately a picture of a military march past or drill stands in our brain and awestruck we say what a disciplined drill this is. Well, let's define discipline. The dictionary or literal meaning of discipline is – “The discipline is training aimed at improving physical power, strengthening self-control, producing obedient people.” In simple words, it can be explained as doing what is told to us and strictly following or obeying the given instructions Discipline isn't some magical gene you get from your parents. It's a skill you learn, just like riding a bike. And guess what? Everyone can learn it! It is an acquired quality. Every parent must inculcate in their child the quality called discipline. Discipline isn't about being a robot. It's about having the willpower to do what you know is right, even when it's tough. It's about getting that extra push to finish your homework, even when your mind gets diverted to a new video game or instances like it. We all learn the most when we're young. It's like our brains are sponges, soaking up everything around us. That's why parents have a big job when it comes to teaching their kids about discipline. Imagine a little kid learning things like - setting a bedtime routine, helping with chores, or practicing a musical instrument. These might seem like small things, but over time, they add up. They teach kids the value…
- Role of A Teacher in Student’s Life When we correlate with the word ‘Teacher’, it is not just someone who drills facts into your head. Teachers are likewise coaches, cheering you on as you navigate the exciting, sometimes confusing, world of knowledge. A teacher's influence goes way beyond the curriculum, shaping who you become as a person. This impact unfolds in many ways. A good teacher helps a student to develop critical thinking skills, not just memorizing things. He creates engaging lessons and pays attention to each student, making sure that the students are on the right track. But it's not all about textbooks and tests. Teacher also play a big role in building the character of a student. He helps the students to develop important values like empathy, integrity, and responsibility. He encourages a positive attitude, which is crucial for navigating life's ups and downs. It is worth thinking about how many times a student confides in a teacher about something that is bothering him. The teacher here becomes more than just an instructor; he becomes a trusted mentor who offers emotional support to the student. This strong teacher-student relationship is key to effective learning. When a student feels comfortable asking questions and seeking help, he is much more likely to be actively engaged in his education. A truly inspiring teacher doesn't just confine the learning process to the classroom walls. He sparks a curiosity that goes beyond textbooks, encouraging students to keep exploring even after the school bell…
- As humans, we have five senses: smell, touch, vision, hearing, and taste. To utilize these senses properly in our day-to-day activities with proper coordination, we need motor skills to manage sensory stimulation. Sensory and motor skills are two sides of the same coin, which go hand in hand to develop a child's growth during their learning age. Sensory motor skills are the pillars for all learning throughout life. Through these skills, children develop their cognitive thinking and understanding levels. They interact with their world through playing, crawling, walking, learning balancing, completing given tasks, problem-solving, and coordinating their activities visually. For this, children need proper guidance from their parents and teachers during the learning stage. Therefore, sensory motor skill education becomes important for early childhood. Children learn new things through their senses of touch, vision, hearing, taste, and smell. Motor skills help sensory organs to coordinate the body's parts. Muscle strength, gross, and fine motor skills play important roles in motor skill development. If any sensory organ doesn't work properly in children, they can struggle to continue learning at the same speed as other children of the same age. So, motor skill development is a crucial aspect of children's early learning stages. Motor skills establish cognitive development. They help children complete their daily physical activities, setting up all sensory organs to collaborate. It improves attention span and application levels by doing activities like tying shoe laces, wearing socks easily, holding pencils properly, lifting things properly, and building attentiveness. Locomotor skills include…
- Formal and Informal Education Education is a very important part of our lives. For living a better life and being good citizens in society, education is an essential element. As educators, teachers play an important role in shaping the learning journey of our students. The learning process begins at home with parents and then continues with friends, neighborhood, people, and places around us; the list is endless. There are two main types of education: formal education and informal education. Formal Education: Formal education is learning that occurs within institutions like schools and colleges. It follows a planned curriculum and involves trained teachers guiding students through various subjects. Formal education is the knowledge we acquire in school life. Children develop their logical and thinking skills, receive basic knowledge in numeric skills, and start to discover their hobbies and interests. Children learn and develop in a safe and caring atmosphere in formal education, which also helps them develop self-confidence and a positive attitude towards learning. In formal education, progress happens through different grades, completing standardized assessments along the way. The main objective and advantages of this education are that it has clear objectives and assessments. It offers a social environment where students interact with peers, work in teams, and develop communication skills. Informal Education: The aim of informal education is to develop humanity. This education can contribute to the development of individuals in society. Informal knowledge can be acquired from individuals of any age, and informal education provides various experiences of daily…
- छंद म्हणजे काय ? तर आपल्या रिकाम्या वेळेत जे काम करायला आवडते त्याला छंद असे म्हणतात. त्यात गायन, नृत्य लेखन ,वाचन, चित्र काढणे, बाग काम करणे, खेळणे असे विविध प्रकारचे छंद असू शकतात. वाचन हा एक उत्तम छंद आहे. वाचन हे वेगवेगळ्या भाषेतून करता येते. परंतु मातृभाषेतून केलेले वाचन वाचायला आणि समजायला सोपे जाते. वाचनामुळे व्यक्तीच्या ज्ञानात भर पडते. व्यक्तीच्या शब्द संपत्ती मध्ये वाढ होते. वाचनामुळे मानवी जीवनाला नवीन दिशा मिळते. वाचनामुळे व्यक्ती आधुनिक जगाशी जोडला जातो. चांगली पुस्तके तुमच्यावर, तुमच्या विचारांवर सकारात्मक प्रभाव टाकतात आणि तुमच्या आयुष्याला योग्य दिशेस नेतात. वाचनामुळे आपल्याला योग्य काय ,अयोग्य काय याची उकल होते. वाचनामुळे आपल्याला चांगल्या सवयी अवगत होतात. वाचन हे मानवाला अंतर्मुख बनवते. वाचनामुळे लेखनाची कला अवगत होण्यास मदत होते. वाचनामुळे व्यक्तीचा तणाव दूर होण्यास मदत होते. ज्यांचा छंद वाचन आहे अशा व्यक्ती कधीच एकट्या राहू शकत नाही. पुस्तके ही आपले सर्वात चांगले गुरू आहेत. वाचनामुळे आपल्याला आपली संस्कृती परंपरा इतिहास अशा अनेक गोष्टींची माहिती मिळते. ग्रंथातून आपल्याला जीवनाची मूल्ये उमगतात. जीवनाचे महत्त्व समजते. चांगली पुस्तके केवळ तुमचे मित्र नव्हे तर उत्तम शिक्षक देखील बनू शकतात. पुस्तकातून आपल्याला वेगवेगळ्या व्यक्तींचे अनुभव वाचायला मिळतात. त्यातल्या चांगल्या अनुभवांचा वापर आपण आपल्या जीवनात करू शकतो. सहाजिकच त्यामुळे चुका टाळता येतात. वाचनामुळे महान थोर व्यक्तींच्या जीवनातील संघर्ष त्यांची जीवनशैली, त्यांची तत्वे त्यांचे थोर पण यांची माहिती मिळते. या थोर व्यक्तींचे विचार कळतात विचारधारा समजते. त्यांच्यातील चांगले गुण आपणास आत्मसाद करून घेता येतात. वाचनामुळे इतिहासातील चुकांची माहिती होते व भावी आयुष्यात त्या चुका टाळता येतात. वाचनामुळे व्यक्ती हा सर्वगुणसंपन्न होतो व त्याच्या कल्पनाशक्तीला चालना मिळते. वाचनामुळे खूप…
- Reading is one of the most important and beneficial activities. If you have ever read a book in life you will know the pleasure and rewards of reading. Reading is the kind of exercise that keeps your mind engaged, active, and healthy. It is important to develop the habit of reading not only for the sake of knowledge but also for personal growth. When you develop the habit of reading, you eventually get addicted to it. Reading can help you grow and give you a new perspective on life. Good books can influence you positively and guide you towards the right direction in life. The more you read the more you fall in love with reading. Reading books is also a way to relax and reduce stress. Reading increases creativity and enhances your understanding of life. Reading also inspires us to write and one can fall in love with writing as well. If we want to adopt some good habits in life, then reading should be at the top of our priority list. It plays a vital role in the optimistic growth and development of a person. Reading leads to self-improvement. The pleasure of reading cannot be expressed in words. One needs to read to experience the joy of reading. Mrs. Tanuja Ranawade ( Asst. Teacher – SSPMPDS)