All round development of the child is our basic aim. Thus equal attention is given to various cultural activities and competitions.
- Our students are given an opportunity to develop team spirit and integrate their personalities through various competitions like elocution, recitation etc.
- The school actively participates and excels in Interschool Competition for Sports, Music and Arts.
- We also provide a platform for students to develop their intellect by participating in various competitive exams viz- NSO, IEO, Scholarship,etc.
- Our students are given an opportunity to cast their talents in dance and other activities during Annual Day Celebrations.
- Every year Annual Sports Day is held where in various track events and group games are taken giving an equal importance to physical education.
- The school also organizes educational excursions every year.
Carving out the creative talents of the children, depicting the varied works and achievements of the school, the school brings out its magazine ‘SHIVANKUR’
A look at some past Shivankur will give an idea to the talent and creativity children have in general. We aim at harnessing the same.