
Parental Circular No.13/16-17
Date:- 27/01/2017

Dear Parent,
1) As per Fee Regulation Act 2014, a school can hike the fee every two years, by putting the proposal in front of Executive committee of the PTA.

2) The School had put forth the proposal of fee hike in front of the Executive Committee of PTA in the month of December 2016, which they approved.

3) The School fee from the Academic year 2017-18 will be Rs.8100/- per term

(Annual fee-Rs.16,200/-) as follows:- Particulars Term-I 2017-18 Term-II 2017-18
1. Admission Fee 0 0
2. Tuition Fee 6000 6000
3. Term Fee 800 800
4. Building Maintence 500 500
5. Computer Fee 500 500
6. Registration Fee 0 0
7. Cultural & Co-curricular 150 150
8. Administrative Charges 50 50
9. Exam Fee 100 100
Total= 8100 8100
                                         Annual Fees Rs.16,200/-

Kindly Co-operate.                                                                                                    


                                                                                                               (Mrs. S.P.Chareja)